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Programs & Services

The Arc of York and Adams Counties provides a wide range of services to our consumers and to the general public in order to fulfill our mission in York and Adams Counties.

Services include summer and year round recreational programs for children and adults; adult employment training and job placement; transition-from-school-to-work aimed at preparing high school students with disabilities to enter the working world upon graduation; agency with choice services that help families and clients adapt to the general community through habilitation and respite services; and community education about intellectual disabilities and intellectual disability prevention.

Our Programs & Services:

Main Office
497 Hill Street
York, PA 17403
Phone: 717-846-6589
Fax: 717-852-8842

Highland Center for Vocational Services
520 N. Highland Avenue
York, PA 17404
Phone: (717) 846-6589

Hanover Office
1 Center Square
Suite 100
Hanover, PA 17331
Phone: 717-846-6589

Biglerville Office
25 Franklin Street
Biglerville, PA 17307

Gettysburg Office
14 Deatrick Drive
Gettysburg, PA 17325